Executive Search and Recruiting – our Passion

We find the right people for your key positions at board, C-suite and senior management levels. Passion, experience and integrity are essential for this. And because the business world is changing, our executive search and advisory services are forward-looking and flexibly tailored to your needs. Only in this way do companies recruit personalities with competences and values that sustainably increase corporate profitability.

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Executive Search and Recruiting

Morant Executive Search combines the expertise gained from many years of experience in the global executive search and leadership advisory business with various future-oriented concepts to assess the match between candidate and company. And because each top talent search is unique, even for the same position, our approach is thematic, cross-divisional and cross-industrial. We look at where your company stands in the business cycle so we can determine together carefully and systematically the best approach to find exactly the right person for your needs.

Who we are

Many years of market experience on the business and executive search side make us a sparring partner at eye level. We understand the value of having the right people for your company's future. So we always look for the best fit.

What we do

We optimally fill your key positions in top management on vertical as well as functional level. With us you will find members of the Board of Directors, C-suite or senior management personalities. You'll never get just skills, but executives with interdisciplinary skills who are ready for the future work environment.

How we do it

Our executive recruiting is human-focused and forward-looking. We work with a large personal network as well as technology-based. Above all, however, we cooperate with you in a spirit of partnership, holistic and transparent. We define recruiting strategies carefully, systematically and process-oriented.

The world is changing, recruiting too

Candidates for many senior management positions today are recruited irrespective of their industry background. Digital competence will in the future be embedded in every business aspect. Banks recruit experts from technology companies; Gen Y candidates are future executives looking for interim gigs as well. Only a balanced interaction of personalities, corporate culture, competencies, motivations, expertise and diversity, can make a company successful.


Walk the talk

The more long-term and sustainable the collaboration between company and executive recruiter, the better the matches achieved. Not only do we place candidates, we also want to know what performance they actually deliver. We measure our success by results. And because it takes two to make a perfect match, we also see candidate support as a valuable part of our work - even beyond acceptance or rejection in individual cases.

"The wisdom of each decision is proportional to the scope and depth of the context in which it is made."Max Boisot